Monday, December 29, 2008

Massage Therapy is Good Medecine not merely Relaxation

Why is massage therapy such a good medicine? Because it healps to move lymph, blood, and Oxigen to the various organs and tissues in way that don't normally happen in the bodies of most people. This is especially true for those who dont exercise: for them massage therapy can be critical for maintaining any degree of health.

Why massage?

I have been interested in massage even before i came in US. Back home in Moldova, i used to do massages to my mother. Then in 2003 i completed a 2 months course of massage basics. I didn't practice much after that, only with friends, and close family members. I am glad i have had a chance to be here and graduate from a national famous school of massage in Seattle. It is a prospective school with an "old fashioned" way of teaching, where teachers individualize instruction for each student.